We are alumni, coaches, parents, and friends who are committed to the long-term success of William and Mary Tribe Swimming. The goal of this organization is to support current student-athletes and staff, build strong alumni relations, and partner with the Athletic Department to ensure Tribe Swimming's sustained success.
Leaders in the Pool, Classroom, and Community.
Our Goals are:
Use seasonal newsletters to keep all those interested in Tribe Swimming up to date and informed. Reach more Individuals with an engaging social media presence.
Keep The Community Informed
Build on Alumni Connections
Bring together regional alumni and host local events. Develop a mentorship program to help link students and young alumni with older well-connected alumni. Continue to drum up support for well-established events such as the James River Swim and Riley Cup Golf Tournament.
Long Term Success of the Program
Continue to support the program and go beyond competitive excellence. Fundraise to meet and exceed the goal of the All In Campaign, F22 fundraising goal, and continue to strengthen our endowment